Little Day Out Shop

Little Day Out Shop

Little Day Out Shop

New customer

You have received an order from Eunah Cho. The order is as

(29 July

Product Quantity Price
Little Day Out’s
Paper Plate Tropical Hat Craft (#AP035)

Sold By: Little Day Out
1 $0.00
Subtotal: $0.00
Total: $0.00

Customer details

  • Email:
  • Tel: 7789576546

Billing address

Eunah Cho
17769 57ave
Surrey British
Columbia V3S 1H1

Your Little Day Out Shop #LDO1007 content

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Dear Trial Class Vendor

You have made a new referral sale

Order Number #LDO1007
Amount SGD 1.99
Commission SGD 0.4

More details are available in your dashboard

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Dear Big Little Company Pte. Ltd.

You have a new referral order. See the details below

Order number #LDO1007
Amount SGD 1.99
Commission SGD 0.4
Affiliate Trial Class Vendor

More details are available in the Goaffpro Dashboard